$250.00 USD

Rethink Bullying 1-Day Event (August 9, 2024)

Professional Development Training for Educators, Mental Health Professionals, and Over-Achieving Parents!

In his new book and lecture series entitled Rethink Bullying: The Real Science of Childhood Aggression, Brooks Gibbs tells the story of his 25-year journey studying and speaking on the topic of aggression in schools.

He explains how the current mental health crisis is a direct result of the pseudo-psychology promoted by the anti-bullying movement that singlehandedly created an emotional welfare state on every K-12 school throughout North America. 

He teaches the real science behind aggression with simple techniques educators can use to resolve conflicts quickly.

This event is a special 1-day training experience that will happen online and you will be able to access it on any device. 10 AM - 5 PM EST. The recording will be made available for those who cannot attend the full live event. Q&A will be made available throughout the training.

You will learn:

  • Why the anti-bullying movement rose and fell
  • The unintended negative consequences of it's 20-year run
  • How it violated basic psychology and moral philosophy
  • The real science of aggression
  • Why resilience education is the best strategy to stop aggression
  • Quick intervention techniques to resolve conflicts
  • and much much more...